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Фотоэлектрическое сортировочное оборудование
  • Сортировка и применение кремнеземной руды Сортировка и применение кремнеземной руды Jul 16, 2024
    Обзор кремнеземной рудыКремнеземная руда представляет собой неметаллический минерал с минералами, богатыми кремнеземом, в качестве основного компонента, в основном включая кварцевый песчаник, кварцит и другие формы. Классификация кремнеземных руд сложна и разнообразна и различается по средам, составу, строению и т. д. их образования. Применение кремнезема чрезвычайно широко и охватывает многие отрасли промышленности, такие как производство стекла, керамики и огнеупорных материалов.Классификация и характеристика кремнеземной рудыКлассификацию кремнеземной руды можно разделить с нескольких точек зрения:1. Классификация по организационной структуре: Его можно разделить на кристаллический кремнезем и цементированный кремнезем. Кристаллический кремнезем в основном состоит из частиц кварца, тогда как сцементированный кремнезем представляет собой частицы кварца, объединенные кремнистым цементом.2. Классификация по скорости трансформации: Кремнезем можно разделить на четыре типа в зависимости от скорости его трансформации при высокой температуре: чрезвычайно медленная, медленная, средняя и быстрая трансформация.3. Классификация по плотности: По плотности кремнезем также можно разделить на чрезвычайно плотный, плотный, относительно пористый и пористый.Применение кремнеземной рудыБлагодаря своим уникальным физическим и химическим свойствам кремнеземная руда находит важное применение во многих областях:1. Стекольная промышленность: Кремнеземная руда является важным сырьем для производства стекла, особенно жильного кварца, который является предпочтительным сырьем для производства высококачественного стекла из-за содержания в нем SiO2 до 99%.2. Керамическая промышленность: кремнеземная руда используется для производства керамики, особенно некоторых керамических изделий с особыми требованиями, таких как электроизоляционный фарфор, фарфор, устойчивый к химической коррозии и т. д.3. Огнеупорные материалы: Высокотемпературные характеристики кремнеземной руды делают ее предпочтительным сырьем для изготовления огнеупорных материалов, таких как огнеупорные материалы для доменных печей, используемые при выплавке стали.4. Абразивная промышленность: Кремнеземная руда также широко используется в абразивной промышленности. Благодаря высокой твердости его можно использовать в различных процессах шлифования и полирования.Добыча и обогащение и очистка кремнеземной рудыДобыча кремнеземной руды в основном осуществляется открытым способом, а процесс обогащения и очистки руды включает такие этапы, как промывка, магнитная сепарация, флотация, кислотное выщелачивание и фотоэлектрическая сепарация. Эти процессы предназначены для повышения чистоты кремнезема и снижения содержания примесей для удовлетворения конкретных потребностей различных отраслей промышленности.Дробление и измельчениеКремнеземную руду обычно измельчают щековыми и конусными дробилками. Первый подходит для первичного дробления, а второй – для вторичного или более тонкого дробления. Дробленый кремнезем поступает на стадию измельчения. К измельчительному оборудованию относятся шаровые мельницы, подвесные валковые мельницы высокого давления, абразивные мельницы и т. д. Это оборудование позволяет измельчать кремнезем до необходимого размера частиц и улучшать качество кремнезема.Очистка и магнитная сепарацияОчистка — это использование механической силы и абразивной силы между частицами песка для удаления пленки железа, связующих и мутных примесей минералов с поверхности кварцевого песка. Магнитная сепарация позволяет в максимальной степени удалить магнитные минералы, такие как гематит, лимонит и другие примеси, из очищенного кремнезема.ФлотацияФлотация в основном используется для удаления немагнитных примесных минералов, таких как полевой шпат, слюда и т. д. В процессе флотации химические условия флотационной среды регулируются путем добавления флотоагентов, таких как собиратели, пенообразователи и регуляторы, для повышения эффективности разделения. кремнезема и примесей.Кислотное выщелачиваниеКислотное выщелачивание в основном используется для дальнейшего снижения содержания железа в кремнеземе, особенно для кварцевого песка с требованиями высокой чистоты. Кислотное выщелачивание позволяет достичь чистоты диоксида кремния более 99,93%.Фотоэлектрическая сортировкаhttps://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatiteФотоэлектрическая сортировка — это технология, которая использует характеристики поверхности кремнеземной руды для идентификации и сортировки. Подходит для кремнеземных руд с явными или сложными цветовыми характеристиками. С помощью технологии фотоэлектрического обнаружения гетерохроматические гранулированные материалы автоматически сортируются, тем самым улучшая общее качество кремнезема. Стоит отметить, что компания Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. первой внедрила технологию искусственного интеллекта в области фотоэлектрической сортировки в видимом свете, которая позволяет сортировать больше категорий руд. При сортировке кремнеземной руды цвет, блеск, текстура и текстура поверхности руды могут использоваться, чтобы отличить кремний в руде от полевого шпата того же цвета. Эффект сортировки более точный, чем у сортировщика цветов.Предварительная сортировка и вспомогательные процессыПредварительная сортировка обычно включает в себя такие процессы, как очистка, магнитная сепарация и флотация, в то время как вспомогательные процессы включают добавление процессов предварительной сортировки после дробления и улучшение качества руды, поступающей на мельницу, посредством предварительной обработки отходов, повышение производственной эффективности последующих процессов. и снижение издержек производства.ЗаключениеТаким образом, кремнеземная руда, как важный неметаллический минерал, не только имеет большое разнообразие типов, но и имеет широкий спектр промышленного применения. Постоянное углубление исследований в области технологии добычи и очистки поможет лучше реализовать его потенциал в различных областях. С развитием науки и техники использование кремнеземной руды в будущем может стать более эффективным и экологически чистым.
  • How to Reduce the Ignition Loss of Ore? How to Reduce the Ignition Loss of Ore? Aug 17, 2024
    The ignition loss of ore refers to the mass percentage of water and other volatile components lost by ore under specific conditions. This indicator is of great significance for understanding the quality of ore, estimating energy consumption and by-product emissions during smelting. Different types of ores have different ignition loss standards and methods, such as phosphate ore, iron ore, aluminum ore, etc. Their determination methods may involve weight method, burning method, etc. The weight method is the most commonly used method for determining the ignition loss of ore. This method calculates the ignition loss based on the difference between the mass lost by the sample after burning under high temperature conditions and the mass of the original sample. The specific operation steps include sample preparation, drying, burning, cooling and weighing, and calculating the ignition loss. There are many international standards that specify the determination method of ignition loss of ore, such as ISO 11536:2015, GB/T 6730.68-2009, GB/T 3257.21-1999, etc. These standards specify in detail the requirements for experimental equipment, sample preparation, experimental operation steps, calculation of results and assessment of uncertainty to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of measurement results. Reducing the ore loss on ignition can directly increase the recovery rate of ore, increase the amount of available resources, and thus improve the economic benefits of the enterprise. The reduction in ore loss on ignition means that more valuable ore is recycled, which not only increases the output of the enterprise, but also reduces the production cost of unit products and increases the profit margin. Reducing the ore loss on ignition helps to reduce environmental damage and pollution. The loss on ignition during ore mining and processing often causes a large amount of solid waste, which, if improperly handled, will pollute the land, water and air. Reducing the loss on ignition means reducing the generation of these wastes, thereby reducing the burden on the environment. From the perspective of social responsibility, reducing the ore loss on ignition reflects the company's responsible attitude towards society and the environment. Rational use of resources and reduction of resource waste are in line with the concept of sustainable development, which helps companies establish a good social image and win the respect and support of society. So how should we reduce the ore loss on ignition? First of all, from the perspective of mining technology, reducing the loss on ore can be done from the following aspects: Strengthen geological data management: timely geological sampling and geological sketch compilation, provide reliable original data for mining design and production, correctly define the mining scope, reduce ore loss and rock mixing. Rationally select development methods and mining methods: select mining methods suitable for the conditions of ore body occurrence, such as segmented open-pit method, filling method, etc., to reduce ore loss and dilution. Improve the technical operation level of operators: strengthen technical training and education of employees to improve their operating skills and management capabilities. Optimize the structural parameters of the mining field: reasonably determine the structural parameters such as the length, width, and height of the mining field to improve the stability and recovery rate of the mining field. Strengthen geological exploration work: use high-precision three-dimensional geological modeling, geophysical exploration and other technical means to accurately locate and delineate the ore body, and provide accurate basis for mining design. In terms of mineral processing technology, the following are some technical measures to reduce the loss on ore: Introduce advanced mineral processing technology and equipment: such as high-efficiency flotation machines, magnetic separators, etc., to improve mineral processing efficiency and concentrate quality. Optimize the mineral processing process: strengthen mineral processing test research, carry out multi-scheme mineral processing tests, and determine the best mineral processing process parameters and reagent system. Use new gravity separation equipment: such as centrifugal concentrators, high-frequency screens and spiral chutes, etc., to improve the concentrate grade and reduce metal loss in tailings. Breakthrough and development of magnetic separation technology: use strong magnetic separation and high-gradient magnetic separation technology to improve the concentrate grade and reduce the cost in the mineral processing process. Optimization of flotation process: improve the flotation effect by optimizing the type and ratio of flotation agents and using new flotation equipment. Intelligent mineral processing technology also shows great potential in reducing the loss on ignition of ore: Ore characteristic detection technology: obtain various parameters of ore through high-precision detection equipment to provide data support for subsequent intelligent sorting. Intelligent sorting technology: including image recognition sorting, photoelectric sorting, vibration sorting, etc. These technologies can realize the automatic identification, classification and separation of minerals and improve the efficiency and quality of mineral processing. CCD Sensor Based Ore Color Sorting Machine Automatic control technology: By real-time monitoring of various indicators in the mineral processing process, the automatic control of the production process is realized, and the mineral processing efficiency and safety are improved. Data processing and analysis technology: By mining and analyzing a large amount of production data, the mineral processing process is optimized and the mineral processing effect is improved. AI Intelligent Mineral Ore Sorting Machine Taking the intelligent sorting of wollastonite as an example, a large wollastonite enterprise has achieved accurate sorting of wollastonite ore by introducing photoelectric AI sorting equipment. On the premise of ensuring that the loss on ignition of the finished product is less than 4.5%, the concentrate yield is guaranteed as much as possible. After sorting by the photoelectric AI sorting machine, the loss on ignition of the finished product is controlled at about 4.4%, and the loss on ignition of the tailings is higher than 10%. This shows that by properly adjusting the operating parameters, the loss on ignition can be effectively reduced while ensuring the sorting accuracy. AI Sorting Machine Sparate Pegmatite Quartz Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the production of intelligent sorting equipment for more than ten years. The photoelectric sorting equipment it produces has introduced artificial intelligence technology and big data technology. It can automatically identify and classify minerals by extracting the surface characteristics of minerals, realize accurate sorting of raw ores, and effectively reduce the loss on ignition. Heavy Duty AI Ore Sorting Machine In general, reducing the loss on ignition of ore requires comprehensive consideration from multiple aspects such as mining process optimization, mineral processing process innovation and optimization, and the application of intelligent mineral processing technology. Through these methods, not only can resource utilization be improved, but also environmental pollution can be reduced, economic benefits can be improved, and a solid foundation can be laid for the sustainable development of the mining industry. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, we have reason to believe that the future mining industry will be more efficient, environmentally friendly and intelligent.
  • Market Application and Processing of Mica Market Application and Processing of Mica Aug 23, 2024
    I. Overview Mica is an important industrial mineral with a layered structure and good physical and chemical properties, so it has a wide range of applications in many fields. There are many types of mica, including but not limited to muscovite, phlogopite, biotite, lepidolite, etc. Each type of mica has its own specific composition and properties, which determines their application in different fields. Mica belongs to the layered structure of the monoclinic system, and its chemical formula is KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2. Its hardness is generally between 2.5-4, and its specific gravity is about 2.77-2.88g/cm³. Mica crystals are usually plate-shaped pseudo-hexagonal, transparent to translucent, with a very complete set of bottom cleavage, so they can be easily peeled into thin sheets. These thin sheets have significant elasticity and toughness, and can be bent to a certain extent without breaking easily. Mica minerals can be divided into three subgroups according to chemical composition and optical characteristics: muscovite subgroup, biotite-phlogopite subgroup and lepidolite subgroup. The color can range from colorless to white, and sometimes it can appear light yellow, light green or light red. Its luster is similar to glass or pearl, so it will have a similar effect when observed at a certain angle. In addition, mica has strong insulation and heat resistance, and can maintain stable performance under high temperature conditions, which makes it particularly important in the electronics and electrical industries. The main chemical components of mica include aluminum oxide (Al2O3), iron oxide (Fe2O3), potassium oxide (K2O), etc. In addition to these main elements, mica may also contain trace amounts of sodium, magnesium, iron, lithium, etc., as well as water and oxides. These chemical components give mica different physical properties, such as electrical insulation, heat resistance and chemical stability. II. Global distribution of mica The global distribution of mica mineral resources is relatively wide, and the main production areas include India: India is rich in mica mineral resources, especially in Bihar and Andhra Pradesh, where there are a large number of mica mines. Russia: Russia's mica resources are also very rich, especially in Siberia. China: China's mica resources are mainly distributed in Xinjiang, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia and other provinces, especially in Xinjiang Altai, Sichuan Danba and Inner Mongolia Tuguiwula. Madagascar: This African island country is also an important producer of mica, especially in its northern region. Brazil: Brazil's mica resources are mainly concentrated in the southeastern region. Argentina: Argentina also has certain mica mineral resources. III. Market Application The market application of mica is very wide, including but not limited to the electronics industry, building materials, automobile manufacturing, power equipment, cosmetics, fireproof materials, etc. The application of mica in these fields not only reflects its excellent physical and chemical properties, but also reflects its irreplaceable importance in modern industry and daily life. Electronic Industry In the electronics industry, mica is used as a high-frequency insulation material, especially in high-frequency circuits, where mica has a small dielectric loss and can effectively reduce signal loss. In addition, mica is also used to make printed circuit boards because it can withstand high temperatures without losing its insulation properties. Building Materials In the construction industry, mica is used as an efficient thermal insulation material, which can prevent energy loss caused by the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the building. Mica also provides additional fire protection because its layered structure can prevent the spread of flames. Automotive Manufacturing In automotive manufacturing, mica is used as part of the body material to improve the heat resistance and safety of the vehicle. Mica can also be used in brake pads to improve its heat resistance and reduce the heat generated by friction. Power Equipment In power equipment, mica is used as an insulating material, especially for transformers, cables and other power equipment. Mica's high heat resistance and chemical stability make it ideal for these applications. Cosmetics In the cosmetics industry, mica is used as a brightening ingredient to make products look more shiny. In addition, mica's flaky structure helps fill in skin lines and make the skin look smoother. Fireproof Materials In fireproof materials, mica is used as an effective thermal insulation and fire-resistant material. Mica's multi-layered structure can reflect heat back, thereby reducing the damage caused by fire. Ⅳ. Processing Process Complete mica processing involves a series of process flows from the mining, sorting, crushing, grinding of raw ore to the final mica products. This time we will briefly introduce the three links of crushing, sorting and grinding. Crushing The crushing of mica ore is an important link in the mica processing process, which directly affects the subsequent processing and application performance of mica. At present, the main crushing equipment on the market includes jaw crusher, roller crusher, cone crusher and other types, each of which has its specific application scenarios and advantages. The roller crusher plays an important role in the crushing of mica ore. It has the advantages of high crushing ratio, strong processing capacity, low maintenance cost, and precise control of finished product particle shape. By adjusting the roller spacing and crushing pressure, the discharge particle size can be effectively controlled to ensure the integrity of the mica sheet, which is conducive to improving the quality and application value of the product. Jaw crushers are often used in the crushing of lithium mica ore, especially for the initial crushing of large pieces of raw ore, crushing the ore to a suitable feed fineness, creating conditions for subsequent processing. Water jet mill crushing technology is a new type of mica crushing method. It cuts and crushes the material through high-speed jet water flow. It has the advantages of high crushing fineness, high precision, less dust generation and less wear on equipment. The crusher for mica production with a multi-stage crushing structure prepares for later processing through multi-angle crushing to improve work efficiency. The crushing process of mica ore usually includes the mining and screening of raw ore, crushing, screening and grading, and air separation. The specific process includes the use of a jaw crusher for primary crushing, followed by secondary crushing with a roller crusher, and finally a particle size screening by a screening machine to achieve the required particle size distribution. What needs to be paid attention to during the crushing process is the selection and parameter setting of the crushing equipment, as well as the screening and separation effect after crushing. For example, although the water jet mill crushing mica technology has many advantages, it also has the problems of high equipment cost and narrow crushing particle size range, and the mica mineral needs to be pretreated. Sorting The sorting technology of mica is a key link in the processing of mica ore, which is directly related to the quality and output of mica products. The methods of mica sorting mainly include hand sorting, gravity sorting, magnetic separation, flotation and photoelectric sorting. Hand sorting is the oldest and most direct sorting method, which is suitable for the sorting of large mica. Workers can directly pick out the separated mica on the mining face or ore pile. Gravity separation is a method of sorting using the difference in mineral density, which is suitable for coarse-grained mica. Commonly used gravity separation equipment includes jigs, shaking tables and spiral chutes. Magnetic separation is a method of sorting using the difference in mineral magnetic properties, which is mainly used to sort mica containing iron impurities. Magnetic separation equipment mainly includes dry magnetic separators and wet magnetic separators. Flotation is a method of sorting using the difference in physical and chemical properties of the mineral surface. It is currently the most widely used sorting method and is suitable for fine-grained mica. During the flotation process, attention should be paid to factors such as the selection and dosage of reagents, flotation time and concentration. Mica photoelectric sorting technology is a technology that uses optical and electrical properties to classify mica ores. This technology is mainly used in the field of ore processing. By identifying the differences in surface characteristics such as color, texture, and gloss between mica and other minerals, effective separation of mica is achieved. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, photoelectric sorting technology has been widely used in the mining field, especially in the beneficiation process of mica ores, showing significant advantages. Compared with other sorting methods, photoelectric sorting has the characteristics of high efficiency, low cost, environmental protection and high intelligence level. Single-layer AI Ore Sorting Machine In practical applications, photoelectric sorting technology has been proven to effectively improve the beneficiation efficiency of mica ore. For example, Mingde Optoelectronics' photoelectric sorting equipment has achieved high-precision identification and sorting on multiple metal and non-metallic minerals, including lithium mica, spodumene, barite, etc. Double-layer AI Ore Sorting Machine Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has introduced AI and big data technology in the field of photoelectric sorting. The AI intelligent sorting machine launched can accurately extract the surface characteristics of mica ore and realize the accurate sorting of ore and impurities. Grinding The grinding process is carried out after flotation is completed, with the purpose of further refining the mica after flotation to the required particle size. The grinding process usually includes two stages: primary grinding and secondary grinding. By adjusting the grinding medium and time, the fineness and uniformity of mica particles can be effectively controlled. There are two main methods for mica grinding: dry and wet, each of which has its own characteristics and applicable occasions. Dry grinding refers to grinding without adding any liquid. This method is simple to operate and has low cost, but due to the lack of lubrication, the heat generated by grinding may cause damage to the mica crystals, affecting its flaky structure and exfoliation. The equipment commonly used for dry grinding includes Raymond mills, ball mills, etc. Wet grinding is to add an appropriate amount of water or other liquids during the grinding process to protect the mica crystals through liquid lubrication and cooling, reduce heat accumulation, and thus protect the structure of the mica from being destroyed. Wet grinding can obtain mica powder with higher purity and better exfoliation, but it requires an additional drying step, and the equipment investment and energy consumption are relatively high. The processing quality of mica powder is directly related to the performance of the final product, so it is particularly important to choose a suitable mill. The selection of the mill needs to consider the characteristics of mica and the required fineness, purity and other requirements. Key points for selecting a mill Type of mill: According to the physical and chemical properties of mica, as well as the required fineness and purity, you can choose a high-pressure mill, a vertical mill, an ultrafine mill, etc. Grinding efficiency: An efficient mill can improve production efficiency and save energy costs. For example, some grinding mills can increase production by more than 40% through optimized design, while saving 30-40% of electricity consumption costs. Environmental performance: Modern grinding mills emphasize environmental performance and are equipped with pulse dust collectors and other equipment to achieve efficient dust removal and meet environmental protection and noise reduction requirements. Product specifications: The grinding mill should be able to produce mica powder specifications that meet the requirements, such as 325 mesh, 600 mesh and other different finenesses. Process adaptability: The grinding mill should be able to adapt to different grinding processes, such as dry and wet methods, and whether special processes such as acid treatment are required to improve the whiteness of mica powder. Specific equipment recommendation High-pressure grinding mill: Suitable for large-scale production, high-pressure suspension roller grinding mills and other models can be provided, suitable for processing mica ores with higher hardness. Vertical grinding mill: Suitable for large-scale production, with high efficiency and low energy consumption, the product particle size can be adjusted to meet different needs. Ultrafine grinding mill: Suitable for the preparation of ultrafine mica powder, can reach micron-level fineness, suitable for application scenarios with strict requirements on fineness. Airflow mill: suitable for dry grinding, crushing mica through high-speed airflow, suitable for preparing ultrafine powder. This is the introduction of mica. In short, as a multi-purpose mineral, mica is not only widely used in industry, but also plays an important role in scientific research and life. With the development of processing technology and different innovations of new technologies, the application prospects of mica will become broader and broader.
  • How to Conduct the Ore Photoelectric Sorting Experiment? How to Conduct the Ore Photoelectric Sorting Experiment? Aug 24, 2024
    Ore sorting experiment is a key link in the processing of mineral resources, which involves knowledge in multiple fields such as physics and chemistry. Through experiments, the optimal mineral processing process, equipment configuration and operating conditions can be determined, thereby improving the grade and recovery rate of ore and reducing production costs. Ore sorting experiment is a key process in mining engineering, which involves a series of complex processes such as ore crushing, grinding, screening, and sorting. So how can we do a good job in ore sorting experiment? First of all, if we want to do a good ore sorting experiment, we need to know what factors will affect the accuracy of the ore sorting experiment? Only by clarifying the influencing factors can we avoid errors and solve problems in a targeted manner. There are many factors that affect the accuracy of ore sorting experiments, which can be analyzed from the following aspects: Ore properties The physical and chemical properties of ore are the primary factors affecting the accuracy of mineral processing tests. The complexity of ore composition, the embedding characteristics of minerals, the particle size distribution, and the density difference will all affect the sorting effect. For example, the content of associated minerals and impurities in the ore, the structural structure of the ore, and the particle size and shape of the ore will all affect the sorting process. Experimental conditions The stability of the experimental conditions is crucial to the accuracy of the experimental results. The stability of the laboratory environment and equipment, such as temperature, humidity, vibration, etc., may affect the accuracy of ore sorting. In addition, the technical level and experience of the experimental operators also have a significant impact on the experimental results. Data analysis A large amount of experimental data needs to be accurately analyzed and processed to ensure the reliability of the results. The accuracy of data analysis depends on the accuracy of the analytical methods and tools used. The use of advanced data analysis software and methods, such as statistical analysis, simulation and optimization design, can improve the accuracy and reliability of data analysis. Process parameters Process parameters, such as crushing fineness, have a direct impact on the mineral processing effect. Crushing fineness determines the degree of dissociation of minerals. Environmental factors Environmental factors, including the geographical location of the mine, climatic conditions, and water sources, will also affect the operating status of the mineral processing equipment and the effect of the reagents. Equipment performance The performance and configuration of mineral processing equipment directly affect the mineral processing efficiency and the quality of the final product. The stability, accuracy and automation of the equipment are all key factors affecting the effect of mineral processing. These factors will more or less affect the results of the ore sorting experiment. To improve the accuracy of the ore sorting experiment, it is necessary to comprehensively consider and optimize these aspects. For the above-mentioned influencing factors, we can make preparations before and during sorting. Before conducting an ore sorting experiment, it is necessary to make adequate preparations to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results. The following is a detailed introduction to the preparations that need to be done before the experiment. Ore property research Before conducting an ore sorting experiment, it is necessary to first conduct a comprehensive property study on the ore. This includes spectral analysis, multi-element analysis, and X-ray diffraction analysis of the ore to identify the beneficial and harmful elemental components in the ore. In addition, it is necessary to conduct phase analysis of the valuable and harmful elements in the sample to provide guidance for the process flow. The determination of the physical properties of the sample, such as dissociation degree, hardness, true density, loose density, grindability, etc., is also essential. Sample preparation The representativeness of the sample is crucial to the accuracy of the experimental results. It is necessary to provide representative samples, the quantity of which is usually not less than 200 kg, and even more than 500 kg is required depending on the specific situation of the gold ore sample. If the samples come from multiple veins (belts, points), each ore point needs to be sampled separately, and each point sample must be no less than 50 to 100 kg. The sampling should be carried out by the technical personnel of geology, mining and mineral processing to avoid unilateral operation. Equipment inspection and maintenance Before the experiment, all equipment should be inspected in detail to ensure that they can operate normally. The stability of the equipment directly affects the accuracy and reliability of the experimental data, so any potential problems must be solved before the experiment begins. After the preparation work, we will really start to enter the ore sorting experiment. When designing an ore sorting experiment, choosing the right crushing and grading equipment is a key step to ensure the success of the experiment. Crushing The selection of crushing and grading equipment needs to be based on the physical and chemical properties of the ore, production capacity and efficiency requirements, equipment durability and maintenance convenience. Selection of crushing equipment Crushing equipment mainly includes jaw crusher, hammer crusher, gyratory crusher, etc. Jaw crushers are suitable for primary crushing, especially for handling ores with higher hardness; hammer crushers are suitable for crushing softer ores. The performance of crushing equipment depends largely on its parameter settings, such as speed, discharge port width and crushing cavity type. The optimization of these parameters can improve the crushing efficiency and material passing capacity of the equipment. Selection of grading equipment Grading equipment is used to classify ground ore. Common ones include spiral classifiers and hydrocyclones. The spiral classifier uses the difference in the settling speed of particles to classify and lift the ore through the rotation of the spiral. The hydrocyclone is suitable for fine screening of fine-grained ores. It is characterized by high vibration frequency, high screening efficiency and high screening rate. Comprehensive considerations When selecting crushing and grinding equipment, in addition to the characteristics of the above equipment itself, the following factors need to be considered: Ore characteristics: hardness, brittleness, moisture content, etc. will affect the selection of equipment. Production capacity and efficiency requirements: The processing capacity of the equipment directly affects the processing speed and output of the ore. Equipment durability and maintenance cost: Equipment with good wear resistance can significantly extend its service life and reduce maintenance costs. Ease of operation: Equipment with easy operation can reduce training time and improve production efficiency. Environmental protection requirements: With the increasingly stringent environmental protection standards, the environmental protection performance of equipment has also become an important consideration for selection. After crushing and screening the ore, the next step is the phased experiment. Phase experiment We need to select different photoelectric sorting equipment according to the different characteristics of the ore. Generally speaking, for metal ores with unclear surface features, we recommend that you choose an X-ray intelligent sorting machine for experiment. The X-ray intelligent sorting machine can obtain different imaging effects through the different penetration capabilities of X-rays in ores of different densities, and sort the ore according to the imaging results. For ores with obvious color features, we can choose a ore color sorter for experiment. For other ores with obvious surface features, we can choose an AI intelligent machine for sorting experiments. In addition, for ore samples of different particle sizes, the selected machine models are also different. For customers, in choosing a suitable photoelectric sorting machine, it is mainly based on the properties of the ore itself and its own sorting requirements. After crushing and screening the ore, the X intelligent sorter and AI intelligent sorter collect images of the ore through high-definition cameras, and then use machine vision technology to process and analyze the images. After deep learning algorithms, a large amount of ore sample data is trained to establish a model for ore identification and classification. This model can self-learn and optimize, identify the color, shape, texture and other characteristics of the ore, and realize automatic identification and sorting of ore types. Before the formal sorting, the machine needs some time to process and sort the collected ore images, so we need to wait patiently. During the phased experiment of machine sorting, we need to repeat it many times under different conditions and record relevant data to verify the stability and reliability of the beneficiation effect. After the phased experiment, we need to organize and interpret the data collected during the experiment to determine the optimal beneficiation process and equipment configuration of the ore. Data analysis can be carried out using statistical methods and software tools to provide a basis for in-depth data understanding and process optimization, so as to select suitable photoelectric sorting equipment.
  • New Method for Gold Ore Sorting - Photoelectric Sorting New Method for Gold Ore Sorting - Photoelectric Sorting Aug 30, 2024
    Gold has always been a dazzling word. It is a symbol of wealth and power, and it also carries the profound connotation of culture, history and religion. At present, the main sources of gold are mining, recycling, sale and leasing by central banks and international organizations, and seabed mining. Mining has always been the most traditional and stable source of gold, accounting for about 70% of the entire gold market. Gold mines are widely distributed, and there are gold resources in many countries and regions around the world. According to the latest information, gold resources are mainly concentrated in Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Australia. Among them, Africa has the richest gold resources, and South Africa, Ghana, Senegal and other countries are the main gold production areas in Africa. Asia, especially China, Russia and India, also has a large amount of gold resources. Brazil, Peru and Colombia in South America are also important gold production areas. Canada and the United States in North America are the main gold production areas, and Australia is one of the most important gold resource countries in the world. Gold mining is a complex and technology-intensive process, involving multiple links from exploration, mining, beneficiation to smelting. Gold mining requires not only advanced equipment and technology, but also environmental protection and safety production requirements. Exploration is the first step in gold mining. The location and reserves of gold mines are determined through geological exploration technology. Preparatory work before mining includes infrastructure construction, such as building roads and setting up necessary facilities. There are two main mining methods: open-pit mining and underground mining. Open-pit mining is suitable for surface deposits, while underground mining is suitable for deeper ore bodies. During the mining process, commonly used equipment includes drilling machines, blasting equipment and mine cars. Ore dressing is to process the mined ore to extract the gold. Ore dressing processes include crushing, grinding, screening, gravity separation and flotation. Crushing and grinding are to reduce the particle size of the ore for subsequent processing; screening is to separate ores of different particle sizes; gravity separation and flotation are to separate gold and other minerals by physical and chemical methods. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, photoelectric separation has also become an important way of gold ore separation. It detects minerals through photoelectric sensors based on the optical properties of minerals, such as color, texture, gloss, shape, etc., to achieve mineral sorting. Photoelectric sorting technology is developed on the basis of traditional mineral processing technology. It has the advantages of high efficiency, environmental protection, and energy saving. The sorting equipment mainly consists of four parts. Feeding system: Through the vibrating feeder and crawler, the materials to be sorted are fed into the detection area of ​​the photoelectric system at a constant speed to ensure the stability of the sorting effect. Photoelectric system: It consists of a light source, a background plate, a sensor or an X-ray source, and a transmission plate. By collecting the comprehensive characteristics of the ore surface or the density difference, the ore is imaged in high definition, and the sensor is converted into an electrical signal to convey it to the electronic control system. Control system: Receives the electrical signal transmitted by the photoelectric system, identifies and analyzes it, and through model training and learning, intelligently identifies and compares good and bad ores, and realizes the identification and sorting of non-massive ore data. Sorting system: According to the instructions of the electronic control system, the defective products are blown into the defective product tank through the spray valve to achieve the sorting purpose. AI Ore Sorting Machine The advantage of photoelectric sorting technology for gold mines is that it can improve the efficiency and accuracy of mineral processing while reducing environmental pollution. Compared with traditional physical and chemical mineral processing, photoelectric mineral processing has lower energy consumption, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about 1 yuan, which is much lower than the average cost of traditional methods. In addition, photoelectric mineral processing has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener way of mineral processing. Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the research and development, production and sales of photoelectric sorting equipment since its establishment. For gold mine sorting, the company currently has two main equipment solutions to choose from: for those gold mines with better dissociation and obvious surface characteristics of ore and impurities, the company's AI intelligent sorting machine can achieve effective sorting. For gold mines with good ores and impurity surface characteristics that are not obvious, the company has launched an X-ray intelligent sorting machine, which can combine the analysis of different densities of ore and impurities to achieve gold mine sorting. X-ray Intelligent Ore Sorting Machine Gold mines are an important natural resource, and their mining and processing have a profound impact on the national economy and the global market. With the advancement of science and technology and changes in market demand, gold mining and mineral processing technologies continue to develop and innovate to adapt to more efficient and environmentally friendly mining models. At the same time, as a metal with multiple functions, gold's position in the field of financial investment cannot be ignored. In the future, as the global economic landscape evolves, the gold mining industry and its related investment products will continue to play an important role on the international stage.

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